
Hydraulic Press

Machine to press and shape pork bellies at a temperature of around -7°C (± 2°C depending on the salt concentration).

The loading chamber capacity of the machine is 700 x 370 x 120 mm, which allows heavily deformed pork bellies.

This machine also allows the pressing and shaping of other meats: pork loin, beef liver depending on the tools chosen.

Ergonomics of the loading station optimizing the gestures and movements of the operators.
A touch screen makes the communication easier between the operator and the machine. The screen includes a self-diagnostic system displaying a picture of the faulty component for example.

Productivity: 5 to 8 products per minute (Cycle time of about 10 seconds).
Loading chamber capacity : 700 x 360 x 120
Power: electrical control, hydraulic, pneumatic and electrical power.
Materials: stainless steel and polymers
The rules dictated by EHEDG for the manufacture of machines dedicated to the food industry allow us an optimum design in order to meet your sanitary requirements
This material is in conformity with the following directives and bills:
Food contact: EC1935/2004
Good manufacturing practice: EC2023/2006
Machines: EC2006/42
CEM: EC 2004/108

Hydraulic Press



This machine is flexible.


It is possible to adjust the hydraulic pressing power of each movement (width – length – thickness).


The EMSENS press is an industrial tool which allows to conform 5 to 8 products per minute.


The belly is introduced and ejected after pressing at the same station.


Ease of cleaning linked to a design taking into account agri-food constraints.

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contact us

Z.A. du Parc – 42490 Fraisses – France
Tél. : +33 (0)4 77 56 03 78