🆕 📢 The EMSENS Dicer range is growing!

Presented at the IFFA show last May, our new 3D cutting dicer MDC02 is validated after several months of production at one of our customers.

The MDC02 is a real eye-catcher:

  • 🧊 🥶 -20°C : Cutting of hard and/or frozen products
    (depending on the salt concentration),
  • 📈⚖️ 3 000 Kg : high productivity
    (variable according to raw material and section),
  • 🥩🥓 Flexibility : reconstituted meat cylinders / natural products,

  • 🥡 🍕 Versatility : Lardons, cubes, matches, stamps….
    (Section from 4 mm to 10 mm),
  • 💧 👌🏼 Hygienic design : EHEDG member.

At sub-zero temperatures, in reconstituted meat cylinder or natural breast, the MDC02 is versatile and allows quick changeover from one configuration to another for cutting lardons and/or cubes.

🔪Based on the unique cutting concept of our Dicers, EMSENS has designed an innovative 3D cutting tool.

The MDC02 slicer combines the performance and cutting quality recognized on EMSENS Dicers.

EMSENS – MDC 02 – Trancheur à lardons & cubes / Bacon and cubes dicer
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Z.A. du Parc – 42490 Fraisses – France
Tél. : +33 (0)4 77 56 03 78